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Cleaning Coupons & Special Offers

Cleaning Coupons & Special Offers

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3 Room Cleaning SpecialTake $25 off any 3-room cleaning!Coupon Code, 3ROOMSMinimum charges apply. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 12/31/2024.Chem-Dry of Summerville

15% Off Tile & Grout CleaningReceive 15% Off Tile & Grout Cleaning Service Coupon Code, TG15Not valid w other offers. Min may applied call for details. Expires 12/31/2024.Chem-Dry of Summerville

Whole House Carpet CleaningWall-to-wall carpeting! Receive cleaning for up to 5 rooms for $199.Coupon Code, WH199Up to 5 rooms. Stairs are not included. Minimum charges apply. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 12/31/2024.Chem-Dry of Summerville

Deodorizer & Protection SpecialTake 15% off any deodorizer or carpet protection servicesCoupon Code, DP15Minimum charges apply. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 12/31/2024.Chem-Dry of Summerville

Serving Charleston, Berkeley & S. Dorchester counties, South Carolina